Fostering Healthy Preschool Initiatives in Myanmar: A School-Centred Multidimensional Approach

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
6 Clean water and sanitation3 Good health and well-being
Keyword Oral health surveillance, oral health education, fluoride mouth rinsing, environmental health, preschool children, Myanmar

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Kaung Myat Thwin
Position/Faculty Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Myanmar
Faculty/Institution (1) Ministry of Social Welfare (2) Myanmar Dental Association

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare and the Myanmar Dental Association, the project seeks to enhance oral health among preschool children, primarily using a school-centred approach and establish a healthy school environment in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. In the context of Myanmar’s situation, the project proposes to develop a model for preschool health initiatives in Yangon city, with the potential for nationwide expansion in the future. The model comprises four key programs, including oral health surveillance system (bi-annual oral examination and data collection), comprehensive oral health education, daily school-based fluoride mouth rinsing program and clean & green healthy preschool environment program (hygiene promotion, environmental sustainability and proper waste management).
The project will be implemented in eight preschools in Yangon city, divided into two groups: Group A, study group and Group B, control group. Group A will receive all four programs, while Group B will receive only oral health surveillance system.
This project has the potential to serve as a model for preschool oral health initiatives that can be expanded nationwide. Key team members from the Oral Health Unit of Ministry of Health and from the Ministry of Social Welfare will play crucial roles in policy development for future nationwide expansion.