Oral Health Education Program for Older Adults with Depressive Symptoms in Myanmar

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being
Keyword Depressive symptoms, oral health, older adultion, oral health education, Myanmar

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Kaung Myat Thwin
Position/Faculty Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Myanmar
Faculty/Institution Myanmar Dental Association

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In collaboration with the Myanmar Dental Association, we developed and implemented a comprehensive oral health education program for older adults with depressive symptoms in Myanmar. This longitudinal study was designed to systematically evaluate the efficacy of a targeted oral health education program through comparative analysis between older adults with and without depressive symptoms.
Additionally, we comprehensively examine the bidirectional relationship between oral health and mental health in an aging population. We employed a multidimensional assessment approach, utilizing both objective and subjective measures to investigate key oral health parameters, including clinical indicators (plaque index, periodontal status, dental caries), oral health knowledge and behaviors, and oral hygiene practices; mental health parameters, including depression, anxiety and stress symptoms; activities of daily living; dietary patterns; and lifestyle factors.
The findings of our project are expected to contribute to the establishment of an oral hygiene support system for those vulnerable populations in the future.