Expanding School Dental Health Activities to Indonesia: An Application of Japan’s 8020 Campaign

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being5 Gender equality10 Reduced inequalities
Keyword Indonesia, School based oral health promotion, Caries

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher (1) Sachiko TAKEHARA (2) Hiroshi OGAWA (3) Fania Chairunisa
Position/Faculty (1) Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry (2) Professor, Faculty of Dentistry (3) Master course Student (MEXT), Faculty of Dentistry

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Indonesia
Faculty/Institution Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

This research aims to adapt Japan’s successful 8020 Campaign model for implementation in Indonesian schools using nudge theory principles. The 8020 Campaign established a clear, measurable goal: maintaining at least 20 natural teeth by age 80, which research shows is sufficient for comfortable eating. Building on the campaign’s proven success in Japan, this study will:
1. Evaluate how behavioral nudges can guide Indonesian schoolchildren toward better dental health habits
2. Develop a comprehensive school dental health program that integrates these evidence-based approaches