JST Sakura Science Exchange Program: Research Exchange Program for Developing International Collaborative Research on Environment and Energy

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
4 Quality education7 Affordable and clean energy
Keyword Carbon neutral, Science and technology, research exchange

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Akira BABA
Position/Faculty Professor, Faculty of Engineering

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions India
Faculty/Institution Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

This is a research exchange program supported by the JST Sakura Science Program. We invite students and young researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, and have a research exchange in the fields of environment and energy. Participants will conduct experiments in the host laboratory together with students of Niigata University. It will raise students’ global awareness and lead to the continuation of academic exchange, such as mutual student exchange and the development of collaborative research.