JST Sakura Science Exchange Program: International Collaborative Program with Mekong Countries through PBL Group Work Internship

CambodiaLaosThailandViet Nam
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
4 Quality education17 Partnerships for the goals
Keyword Mekong region, dormitory-type, regional cooperation, science and technology, fostering leader

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Yasutaka UEDA
Position/Faculty Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)Cambodia (2)Laos (3)Thailand (4)Viet Nam
Faculty/Institution (1)Royal University of Phnom Penh (2)National University of Laos (3)Chulalongkorn University (4)Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

This is a 10-day international collaborative education program supported by the JST Sakura Science Program. In this program, we invite students from Mekong countries and conduct PBL group work, including an internship, with students from Niigata University. The program provides students with the opportunity to acquire an interdisciplinary perspective and clarify their career vision through international collaborative training in manufacturing technology.