Visualization of neural circuits using electron microscopy at state with normal, disease, and regeneration

CanadaChinaUnited States of America
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure17 Partnerships for the goals
Keyword Neuroscience, microscopy, electron microscopy, imaging, medical sciences, fostering leader

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Shinsuke Shibata
Position/Faculty Professor, Graduate School of Medicine

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)USA (2)Canada (3)China
Faculty/Institution (1)Harvard University (2)University of Chicago (3)University of Toronto (4)Chinese Academy of Sciences

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

The morphogenesis of neural circuits during normal development, the degeneration that occurs when suffering from particular diseases, and the reorganization of neural circuits during recovery from traumatic injuries occur in a highly dynamic manner. The structure of nervous system tissues is closely related to their function, and it is extremely important to analyze fine structures in detail in order to understand neural function. We are collaborating with many researchers from various countries to analyze microstructures mainly in the nervous system, using various types of electron and light microscopes. We use various kinds of electron microscopes, light microscopes, and many other imaging instruments with molecular biological techniques and apply them to a wide range of the research fields.