Bibliographic Survey on Japanese Books Archived in the CEEJA (Centre Europ?en d’?tudes Japonaise d’Alsace)

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
4 Quality education
Keyword Old Japanese books, Early modern Japan, Alsace

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Yuki Hata
Position/Faculty Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Sakeology Center

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions France
Faculty/Institution Centre Europ?en d'?tudes Japonaises Alsace

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

I conduct the bibliographic survey on old Japanese books archived in the library (Edo bunko), Centre Europ?en d’?tudes Japonaises Alsace (CEEJA), Colmar. There are over 1,000 books there, and their contents are a wide range of variety, such as scientific technology, art, religion, or literature.