Comprehensive clinicopathological and molecular analysis of renal tumors

United States of AmericaCzech RepublicGermanyItalySwitzerland
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure17 Partnerships for the goals
Keyword renal cell carcinoma, renal tumor, pathology, urology, genome, transcriptome, WHO classification

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Riuko Ohashi
Position/Faculty Professor; Institute of Medicine and Dentistry

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, USA
Faculty/Institution (1)University and University Hospital Zurich (2)University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-N?rnberg (3)University of Verona (4)Technical University Munich (5)Charles University in Prague, University Hospital in Plzen (6)Houston Methodist Hospital

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

We investigate the clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of renal tumors and construct a comprehensive renal tumor database. This database can be used for the following; researches for 1) proposal of a new histological subtype classification, 2) establishment of diagnostic criteria, 3) development of a new pathological diagnostic method, 4) proposal of a grading system, 5) elucidation of the mechanism of development and progression of renal tumors, 6) development of new treatment and drugs, as well as 7) education for young doctors and 8) continuous education for professionals. Through these efforts, we aim to improve the quality of renal cancer treatment and medical care in Niigata, Japan, and the world.
This is an international multi-institutional collaboration study with more than 40 institutions, including the authors of the WHO classification.