Analysis of SLFN11 expression and sensitivity to DNA damaging agents in brain tumors

United States of America
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Keyword SLFN11, brain tumor, epigenetics, DNA damaging agent

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Manabu Natsumeda
Position/Faculty Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Insititute

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions USA
Faculty/Institution Johns Hopkins University

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Malignant brain tumors, especially those that are resistant to chemotherapy, have dismal prognoses. SLFN11 is a DNA/RNA helicase, whose expression highly correlates with response to DNA damaging agents in cancer. However, the expression of SLFN11 in brain tumors has not been studied to date. The major goal of this research is to investigate the expression of SLFN11 in brain tumors and response to DNA damaging agents. SLFN11 will be upregulated pharmacologically and by using SLFN11 overexpression constructs to increase chemosensitivity in brain tumors with low SLFN11 expression. In collaboration with Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University and Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, comprehensive epigenetic assessment will be performed to elucidate the exact mechanism of SLFN11 upregulation.