Exploring the molecular network of seed yield in crops

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
17 Partnerships for the goals
Keyword ExpoSEED, Horizon2020

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher (1)Toshiaki Mitsui (2)Marouane Baslam
Position/Faculty (1)Professor, Faculty of Agriculture (2)Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)Italy (2)Italy (3)Spain (4)Germany (5)Mexico (6)Australia (7)Argentina (8)Netherlands
Faculty/Institution (1)CREA (2)University of Milan (3)CSIC (4)KWS (5)CINVESTAV (6)University of Adelaide (7)CONICET (8)KYNGENE NV

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

ExpoSEED aims to create a network of experts with the common interest of expanding the knowledge that is required to improve seed yield in crop species. While integrating different approaches to deal with the complexities of studying plant yield, ExpoSEED aims to meet the challenge of feeding more people with less available land and water, in a climate changing context.