Towards a multi-approach study focused on Improving Resource Use Efficiency in Cereals under climate change

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
17 Partnerships for the goals
Keyword JST

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher (1)Toshiaki Mitsui (2)Marouane Baslam
Position/Faculty (1)Professor, Faculty of Agriculture (2)Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)Spain (2)Spain (3)France (4)Germany
Faculty/Institution (1)IdAB-CSIC (2)University of Barcelona (3)University of Paris-Sud (4)Helmholtz Center-Munich

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

The IRUEC project will identify agronomic, physiological and molecular (genomics, proteomics, transcroptomics and metabolomics levels) bottlenecks controlling NUE and quality of two major crops (rice and wheat) and a new natural cereal (tritordeum), born from the combination of durum wheat and a wild barley species, under future climatic conditions-drought, elevated temperature and [CO2]–and their interaction with key management practices in the studies species.