Harmonization of Power and Trust Relationships for Overseas Expansion of Local SMEs in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan through Value Co-Creation Networks

Republic of KoreaTaiwan
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
17 Partnerships for the goals9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Keyword Local SMEs, Value Co-Creation Networks, Harmonization of Power and Trust Relationships, Overseas Expansion

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher (1)ZHANG Wenting (2)ARIMOTO Satoshi (3)LEE Gunyung (4)SAWAMURA Akira (5)NAKAHIGASHI Masaki (6)ITO Ryoji (7)KISHI Yasuyuki (8)SAKON Yukimura (9)ISHIZUKA Chikako (10)TSENG KUO CHE
Position/Faculty (1)Lecturer, Faculty of Economic Sciences (2)Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (3)Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (4)Executive Director (5)Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (6)Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (7)Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (8)Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (9)Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences (10)Specially Appointed Research Associate, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)Republic of Korea (2)Taiwan (3)Taiwan (4)Taiwan
Faculty/Institution (1)Hanbat National University (2)Soochow University (3)National Taichung University of Science and Technology (4)National Changhua University of Education

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

This study explores how SMEs in the Rim East Asian region, such as Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, build value co-creation networks and cooperate and grow in a glocalized competitive environment. And, this survey explores ways to revitalize, coexist and expand local SMEs through collaboration with overseas SMEs. It is important for SMEs to develop overseas business strategies. This study explores the structure of value co-creation networks in local industrial agglomerations in each country through joint research among universities in the regions of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

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