Learn-By-Doing Program for Advanced Theory and Application on Mathematical Optimization (MathOpt)

PhilippinesThailandTaiwanChinaRepublic of Korea
EducationResearchRegional Contribution
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education6 Clean water and sanitation9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Keyword Joint Seminar and Research Camp (JSRC)

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher (1)Tamaki Tanaka (2)Liu Xuefeng (3)Akinari Hoshi
Position/Faculty (1)Professor, Faculty of Science (2)Professor, Faculty of Science (3)Associate Professor, Faculty of Science

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)Taiwan (2)Taiwan (3)Taiwan (4)Taiwan (5)Taiwan (6)Taiwan (7)Republic of Korea (8)Philippines (9)China (10)China (11)Thailand (12)Thailand
Faculty/Institution (1)Chung Yuan Christian University (2)National Sun Yat-Sen University (3)National Cheng Kung University (4)National Changhua University of Education (5)National Taiwan Normal University (6)National Kaohsiung Normal University (7)Pukyong National University (8)Iligan Institute of Technology at Mindanao State University (9)Northeastern University (10)National Tsing-Hua University (11)Naresuan University (12)King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In February or March, we provide mathematical seminar and training program for next generation researchers in the field of science and technology and to activate international exchanges. It also aims to develop research cooperation among Japanese and foreign students through several activities including study tours on ski and workplace. It is expected that there will be more fruitful research cooperation and achievements under these activities between each other in the near future.