Basic research and clinic medical center of early gastrointestinal tract cancer, School of Medicine of Niigata University, Japan & Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, China

Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
3 Good health and well-being9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Keyword Gastroenterology, Early gastrointestinal tract cancer

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Shuji Terai
Position/Faculty Professor, School of Medicine

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions China
Faculty/Institution Zunyi Medical University

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In order to improve the basic research and the ability of clinic diagnosis and treatment of early gastrointestinal tract cancer. “Basic research and clinic medical center of early gastrointestinal tract cancer” will be built up in the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in 30th of April 2019 after consultation between School of Medicine of Niigata University of Japan and Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University of China. The establishment of this Center plays important role in promoting international basic research cooperation and specialist training of early gastrointestinal tract cancer.

Some important things are concluded in the details below:
1. Prof. Shuji Terai will be engaged as a Visiting Professor of Department of Gastroenterology of Zunyi Medical University.
2. Novel biomarkers detection project of early gastrointestinal tract cancer will be started in multiple centers between School of Medicine of Niigata University of Japan and Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University of China.
3. Two experts of School of Medicine of Niigata University of Japan will be invited to Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University for Academic communication including lecture presentation and live demo twice a year. All fee including Japan-China return air tickets, accommodation and honorarium of Japanese experts will be supported by Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University.
4. One or two excellent young doctors of Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University will go to School of Medicine of Niigata University of Japan for further study (3 months) every year. All fees including air tickets, accommodation and living expenses of Chinese doctors in Japan will be supported by Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University.