The comparative study about the consumption system of stone tools and the change from stone to iron tools between Korea and Japan in the Yayoi period

Republic of Korea
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Keyword archaeology, stone tools, the change from stone to iron tools, the Yayoi period, the comparative study between Korea and Japan

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Takanori Mori
Position/Faculty Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Republic of Korea
Faculty/Institution Ulsan Research Institute of Cultural Heritage

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

The purpose of this study is to compare the production and consumption systems of stone tools and their ironization during the Yayoi period in Japan and the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the southern part of the Korean peninsula, and to examine the development of early agricultural culture and the process of social change from the perspective of Northeast Asian prehistory.