Analysis of visual function using mouse models

Academic Field
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3 Good health and well-being
Keyword mouse model

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Toshikuni Sasaoka
Position/Faculty Professor, Brain Research Institute

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions Denmark
Faculty/Institution Aarhus University

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In order to understand circuit mechanisms underlying neurological diseases, it is important first to understand how neuronal computation, which is impaired in relevant disease, is achieved by synaptic and circuit mechanisms in healthy state. Our research purpose is to create several mouse lines in which a single subtype of retinal bipolar cells is genetically labeled. With these mice, we will test the effect of cell-type-specific manipulation of neuronal activity or gene expression on the retinal motion computation and eye movement reflex. Specifically, we aim to understand how retinal ganglion cells compute visual motion by integrating excitatory inputs from retinal bipolar cells, and how impaired function of retinal bipolar cells may lead to impaired retinal motion computation and pathogenic nystagmus.