Structure and properties of ionic materials using polarizable ion model

FranceUnited Kingdom
Academic Field
Related goals of SDGs
7 Affordable and clean energy9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
Keyword molecular dynamics method, polarizable ion model, ionic materials

Information on Niigata University

Name of the professor/researcher Norikazu Ohtori
Position/Faculty Professor, Faculty of Science

Information on the Counterpart

Countries/Regions (1)France (2)United Kingdom
Faculty/Institution (1)Department of Electrochemistry, Sorbonne University (2)Department of Materials, Oxford University

Detailed Information/Report on Activities

In order to accurately predict the structure and properties (strength, elasticity, transport coefficient, etc.) of ionic materials such as oxide glasses and molten salts and understand their behaviors from their origin, we conduct researches using computer simulation methods. The model used is based on quantum mechanics, and by constructing analytic functions that give ions their polarizability, both the accuracy of the results and the improvement of the calculation speed are achieved. In a series of studies, we have made many achievements in the evaluation of the relationship between the composition of glasses and their structure, strength or elasticity and in the formulation of the thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and viscosity of molten salts.